When you become injured as a result of a workplace accident, it can have serious consequences. You may be worried that the stability of your income is in jeopardy. You may not be able to come back to work for a few weeks or possibly even months. The experience can be life-altering. However, a lawyer will be able to support you through the situation and help you file a claim so that you can recover your rightful compensation. Schedule a consultation with a top lawyer who understands how to handle workers’ compensation claims. Here are some questions you may have regarding workers’ compensation claims and personal injury claims.
What are the differences between a workers compensation and personal injury claim?
If a person becomes injured, they might decide to file a personal injury claim, or workers compensation claim if they were injured while they were on the job. While both claims involve injury, the damages you can seek differ depend on which type of claim you file, as workers compensation lawyers like one from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. can explain.
Some of the key differences between the two include:
- Fault. For personal injury claims, fault has to be established. When you are filing a workers’ compensation claim you don’t need to present evidence that your employer did anything wrong.
- Damages. One important difference between the two claims is that you can only list pain and suffering in a personal injury claim but not in a workers compensation claim.
Can I file both claims at the same time?
It depends on your situation. A lawyer may suggest filing a workers’ compensation claim at the same time as a personal injury claim if it is appropriate and if it is likely to result in an increased compensation. For more information about filing concurrent claims, contact a lawyer who has experience handling both workers compensation and personal injury claims.
As with any case, having a lawyer first review your case details is highly beneficial and recommended. Moving forward in the claims process without consulting with a lawyer is risky, and your claim might be denied. Having a lawyer by your side who has specific experience with workers compensation has many advantages. The last thing you want is to notice a last minute error right before you submit a claim. Don’t delay seeking legal assistance. Schedule a consultation now with a lawyer who will be committed to your best interests and fight for your fair and just compensation.