Getting hurt at work can quickly turn into a complicated situation, especially if an employer is not being supportive or acting within the law. It isn’t uncommon for injured workers to be retaliated against, demoted, harassed, or fired because they reported a workplace accident injury. When employers fail to treat their workers as they deserve to based on protection rights, it may be necessary to call a professional for assistance.

If you aren’t sure whether now is the time to contact a lawyer, here are just a few red flags that you probably should:

Your Employer Has Not Reported the Accident

If you told your boss about an injury accident and they didn’t follow up with you by having you complete paperwork or see a doctor, then something may not be right. Sometimes employers try to dissuade workers from reporting an accident so they don’t have to deal with their insurance company or pay you in compensation.

Be sure to ask for paperwork to report your injury, a copy of it, and follow up for an update about the status of your claim in the days or weeks after. If your employer hasn’t even reported the injury, it may mean you’ll need extra assistance from a lawyer to have it handled correctly.

You Have Yet to Receive Benefits

Let’s say you were approved to receive benefits under a workers’ compensation claim, but have yet to get them. You are entitled to medical treatment and a percentage of your wages if you are not able to work because of the injury. To ensure your claim was not mishandled which has resulted in a delay of payments, you may want a lawyer to intervene sooner rather than later.

You Were Fired After Reporting Injury

Employers may fire an employee after a workplace injury in an effort to avoid paying them in disability benefits. This is against the law and is considered employer retaliation, which warrants contacting a lawyer immediately. Remember, your employer may disguise the reason as to why you were fired as something not related to the workplace accident. Don’t fall for it, and call a lawyer to advocate for you.
Contact a Workers Compensation Lawyer for further advice about your workplace injury accident, such as a legal professional at Rispoli & Borneo, P.C.

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