A successful company should not be fully assessed by the bottom-line of their books. A successful company is a business that is not only profitable, but that is a vital part of a community. Every company should work to establish a caring and safe work environment for its employees and the community around it.

One way to establish a safe workplace is by having an effective company domestic violence policy. A domestic violence policy must be comprehensive and look at all the aspects that affect employers, employees, and the community stakeholders alike.

Domestic Violence Policy Guidelines

The following are essential domestic violence policy guidelines that every employer should follow:


Every domestic violence policy should have a defined purpose that aims at helping employees in need. Employees suffering from domestic abuse often face significant challenges that must be overcome before they see resolution.

The purpose of a company’s domestic violence guidelines is to provide adequate support for their employee’s through provided assistance and enhanced understanding.


An essential guideline to an effective company domestic violence policy is confidentiality. An employee should feel comfortable in contacting their employee for help in the case of suffering from domestic abuse. An employer should work to keep the identity and associated information of the affected employee confidential to the best of their ability.


Another key aspect or guideline to an effective domestic violence policy is antidiscrimination. An employee should not fear informing or reaching out to an employer after suffering from domestic violence.

An employer needs to accept the circumstances and inform their employee that they have job security and will not see any negative impacts on their employment due to domestic violence.

Absences and Relocation

In order to have an effective policy, an employer must work with an affected employee by meeting their needs, even if it means extended absences or job relocation. An employer should acknowledge that they have to not only help employees who have suffered from domestic violence but also take steps in mediating the chances of additional domestic violence occurrences.


Employers should educate and train staff on the seriousness and prevalence of domestic violence. It is likely that some employees already are affected by domestic abuse and may need help but are afraid to reach out. Employers should work to generate awareness by reaching out to their employees through participation in community programs as well as potentially hosting awareness events.

Education may be the most essential part of implanting an effective domestic violence policy. If employees are not trained properly, or any policy put into practice will be far less effective.

Domestic violence is unfortunate reality of the world we live in. Employers should implement an effective domestic violence policy in order to become a better business and adequate member of a community. The above domestic violence policy guidelines are a great outline of what is essential to an effective and proficient policy.

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