Domestic violence is a prevalent horror that affects countless people. Domestic violence is harmful in many ways as it doesn’t merely affect the people involved but also the community around it. Steps should be taken to fight domestic violence by community small businesses so as to establish a caring culture.

Is it essential for any small company looking to maintain relevancy to establish a small business initiative on domestic violence. Domestic violence or family violence, used to be considered a private matter in which employers were not to be involved or interfere. However, today the private life of a business’s employees cannot simply be ignored, especially in the world of small business.

Small Business Initiative On Domestic Violence | Quick Outline

Below is an outline of some specific steps to implement a small business initiative on domestic violence:

1. Establish Company Position On Domestic Violence:
Violence touching employees cannot simply be overlooked anymore by any size company. Small businesses should take a position against violence of all forms affecting their organization. Domestic violence is astonishingly prevalent in America and with the help of a positive and proactive small business stance against violence, the number of victims affected can eventually be diminished.

2. Create AnEncompassing Company Policy:
A small business, just like any corporate business, has policies and standard practices. Thus, a good way to establish a business policy of anti-violence is to invoke a company policy dealing with domestic violence. A proactive and employee focused policy is the best route for any small business initiative on domestic violence. Policy should be written to encompass the needs of the employee so as to protect any suffers and subsequently prevent further domestic violence from occurring again.

3. Establish Training And Generate Awareness:
After establishing a company policy for domestic violence, a small business should look to create a training program for employees to deal with the effects of violence on company workers. A policy against domestic violence is the first step in the battle against it; however without proper training on how to deal with domestic violence, policy means nothing.

Training can be interactive and helpful in generating awareness for all employees on the issue of domestic violence. It is essential to establish a concerned culture in every business so employees feel comfortable at work.

Another way to generate awareness for the victims of domestic violence is for a small business to get involved in community programs. By reaching out to the community and establishing a firm stance against domestic violence a small business can become an active member of the community.

All of these steps combine into a strong small business initiative on domestic violence which will establish a small business in the community and allow for employees to want to work, which in turnwill allow for a business to grow and prosper.

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