If you get hurt on the job, a workers’ compensation attorney will be able to pursue compensation on your behalf and make sure your rights are being upheld, as well as advising about third-party liabilities.
baltimore workers compensation lawyer

Let’s take a Baltimore vending machine delivery driver for example. Delivery drivers are at a high risk for injury in their line of work. They spend long hours on the road; there is potential for repetitive motion stress with regard to loading, unloading, and lifting heavy cargo, and they constantly have to go onto multiple customer properties that may have unknown dangers. Maryland candy vending machines and snack vending machines themselves also pose risks, because they are heavy and hard to maneuver, and there’s a possibility for water leaks to cause slip and falls.

A Baltimore workers’ compensation lawyer will tell you that even if your employer tries to insist otherwise, many of these situations warrant compensation, and there is no reason to sacrifice your livelihood without being reimbursed for it. Workers’ compensation insurance coverage exists to help you – it’s part of owning a business, and your employer has to understand that. Even undocumented workers or workers without a green card have a right to receive compensation for any injuries sustained on the job, it’s the law.

The compensation you can expect from a claim will depend on the type and extent of the injury sustained, but typically it will cover things like medical expenses, hospital expenses (both in regard to diagnosing treatment options and performing those treatments), as well as disability expenses while you’re unable to work. These are all expenses your Baltimore personal injury lawyer or truck accident lawyer can help you claim for. Even if you have only suffered emotional trauma or internal pain, there are benefits that can be awarded to you.

If you believe you deserve compensation for an injury sustained while on a delivery in Baltimore, MD, we strongly advise you get in touch with a Baltimore workers’ compensation lawyer for a free consultation. You deserve to be comfortable while you recover from a work-related injury, and we’re here to help you do that.


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